Upgrade merchant dedicated channels
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MBN Merchant Guide Step 1: Register an MBN account
If you do not have an MBN account yet, you need to register one. You can do this by visiting the MBN website and registering, following the instructions to complete the registration process
Step 2: Contact online customer service
Applying for merchant privileges requires adding customer service. You can go to the MBN customer service page and contact customer service
Step 3: Regarding merchants Before becoming an MBN merchant, please enter the dedicated merchant channel for recharging. For detailed requirements, please contact customer service
1: Merchant KA1: The minimum transaction digital asset is 150000 (USDT)
2: Merchant KA2: The minimum transaction digital asset is 500000 (USDT)
The deposit that merchant KA needs to pay is 20% of the transaction digital assets Step 4: Obtain digital assets When a merchant places an order to purchase coins and cannot sell them for more than 48 hours, the platform will repurchase them at a price higher than a certain percentage in the market
Merchant redemption Merchants need to convert the cryptocurrency purchased on the platform into fiat currency. They can contact customer service for redemption Merchant staking income The MBN collateral assets of merchants are calculated every 24 hours. Merchant staking cryptocurrency subsidy income of 0.05%
Step 5: Comply with merchant precautions
To avoid account freezing, you need to comply with merchant precautions, such as logging into an MBN merchant account from another location, unauthorized borrowing and lending transactions with others, default and refusal to pay, etc. If the system detects abnormalities, emergency freezing protection measures will be taken
Step 6: Enjoy merchant benefits
As an MBN merchant, you can gain certain benefits, such as setting lower or higher prices for purchasing cryptocurrency, repurchasing a certain percentage of the merchant’s pledged cryptocurrency daily, and extracting funds from fiat or cryptocurrency
The platform provides transaction links for merchants and those in need of digital assets to facilitate transactions at better prices
(The final interpretation of merchant opening matters belongs to the official MBN)